My journey with Concourse House and the Fordham-Bedford community was a pleasant surprise to say the least. Not only have I expanded my encounters and learned about the spaces public art fills, but I've also learned of the people who helped to create such beautiful pieces, which was none other than the community itself! As I transition from becoming an intern to a researcher, here are some photos that look to provide an insight into each of my encounters along my time at Concourse House.
F. Thorburn and her son at a program for Valentine's Day.
Flowers at Serviam with a natural lens flare being captured.
Crochet hearts created by mother, Dayanara Savinon, along Valentine Avenue.
Yafatou Sarrs and her son at one of our first workshops in collaboration with Design Advocates in the Spring of this year.
Dayanara Savinon and Jess Rolls working on wheatpasting at Serviam Gardens.
Three mothers working on the new blossom tree installed along the fence of Concourse House.