Amanda Renee Jewell
I am an artist-educator, musician, and artist-apprentice at Concourse House, Home for Women and Their Children, and Fordham Bedford Community Services, Bronx, NY. At both locations, I specialize in hand-crafted jewelry making, but my skills extend to writing poetry and songs. My apprenticeship requires me to communicate with everyone on my team and build lasting relationships with my students. I am an integral part of the public art team creating installations across the neighborhood and my mission is to bring peace with my art. Most recently, I have led on installations at Serviam, Concourse House and supported family arts programming with Street Lab. I make dope art projects happen and love working with my art crew! My art education is an accumulation of local knowledge and mentorship from leading New York City artists and designers Charles Esperanza, the Education team of The Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum, and Design Advocates.

Justin Sorensen, Design Advocates (2022)